1. 1. “Give us the money, Lebowski!” –The Big Lebowski

    Wrong! Ellen Li is the one who quotes Anchorman by saying, “I love lamp!” every time anybody tells her they love anything. “Give us the money, Lebowski!” is quoted by Kamal Ahsan in HR.

    Nope! Randall’s go-to quote from The Big Lebowski is, “The Dude abides,” which he sets as his Facebook status at least three times a month. “Give us the money, Lebowski!” is quoted by Kamal Ahsan in HR.

    Correct! Kamal doesn’t tell a lot of jokes, but when he does, it’s usually this great out-of-context quote from The Big Lebowski.

    Sorry! Robert is the one who likes to approximate a British accent and say, “It’s just a flesh wound!” from Monty Python And The Holy Grail. “Give us the money, Lebowski!” is quoted by Kamal Ahsan in HR.

  2. 2. “It’s my dick in a box!” –The Lonely Island, on Saturday Night Live

    Correct! Bradley Parker quotes the popular comedy song “Dick In A Box” on a regular basis.

    Sorry, that’s incorrect. It’s an understandable mistake though, since Charles Washburn is the hilarious dude who constantly belts out, “I fucked a mermaid!” from “I’m On A Boat,” which is also by The Lonely Island. The guy quoting this line is actually Bradley Parker in HR.

    Nope! Mark is the guy who habitually shouts, “Damn you, vile woman!” from Family Guy to express any time anything mildly frustrating happens to him. The guy quoting this line is actually Bradley Parker in HR.

    Wrong! Gloria in tech is the coworker who says, “Suck it, Trebek!” from “Celebrity Jeopardy” on Saturday Night Live.

  3. 3. “I want to go to there.” –30 Rock

    Nope, sorry. Clarence at the front desk is the one who ironically sings “America, Fuck Yeah!” from the movie Team America: World Police during any conversation about United States foreign policy.

    Correct! Linda’s go-to quote is, “I want to go to there,” from 30 Rock, which is what she says every single time she sees a coworker’s vacation photos or any picture of a beach.

    Sorry, that’s incorrect! Don’t you remember? Laura the intern is the one who said she hates all comedy.

    Wrong! This isn’t the worst guess, since Robert once told you that he only likes comedy that makes a political point, and this is a political joke, but Robert is much more prone to sarcastically say, “George W. Bush: Great president, or the GREATEST president?” from The Colbert Report.

  4. 4. “Milk was a bad choice!” -Anchorman

    Correct! When he’s not quoting The Big Lebowski, Kamal likes to switch things up by breaking out this unforgettable line from Anchorman whenever he’s drinking milk or sees somebody else drinking milk or thinks of milk.

    Sorry, that’s incorrect! Asher Rosenfeld is the one who sometimes shouts, “Get in my belly!” which is Fat Bastard’s catchphrase in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. You’d think an adult man with a job that isn’t comedy would have trouble pulling off shouting, “Get in my belly!” about anything for any reason, but Asher kind of manages to pull it off.

    Wrong! Owen’s go-to comedy quote is, “Respect my authoritah!” from South Park. He doesn’t get the Cartman voice exactly right, but the quote is still funny every time he says it.

    Nope! Carl is actually the guy who likes to keep the office in stitches by doing the different chicken dances from Arrested Development and then shouting, “Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?”

  5. 5. “My name is Montoya Montoya. You murdered my father, and now you have to die.” –The Princess Bride, sort of

    Nope! Emma Michaels is the one who habitually squawks, “What is this? A center for ants?” from Zoolander. It’s a classic line no matter who says it or how often they say it. The correct answer was that guy from the office upstairs who comes by sometimes to talk loudly with Michelle.

    Wrong! Pete’s the guy who regularly says, “These go up to 11,” from This Is Spinal Tap. The correct answer was that guy from the office upstairs who comes by sometimes to talk loudly with Michelle.

    Yep! That’s the guy! This is the perfect quote for this guy. The Princess Bride is a classic movie with a cult following, so quoting it shows Michelle that he’s cultured, cool, AND funny. This isn’t exactly the way the quote goes, but it’s close enough to get the point across!

    Sorry, that’s incorrect! Allen is best known for saying, “I’m on a mission from God” from The Blues Brothers as he leaves the office every night.

  6. 6. “My wife!” [in a foreign accent] –Borat

    Nope! While Phil Cutler is definitely shouting, “My wife!” in an attempt to make everyone in the break room laugh right now, it turns out that pretty much everyone is also doing that, so the correct answer is “All of the above.”

    You’re close, but this is not that best answer! Nick is currently saying, “My wife!” in a really funny Borat voice—probably funnier that Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat voice—but Phil in marketing and the entire HR department are also quoting this line right now, so the correct answer is “All of the above.”

    Sorry, that’s not the best answer. The entire HR department is currently taking turns shouting, “My wife!” because it never gets any less funny, but Phil in marketing and Nick in sales are also shouting it.

    Yes! All of these people incessantly use this quote, and all of them love to put their own unique spin on the Borat voice. You’re lucky to work in an office with such funny people who know all the good quotes!

  7. 7. [Every single line from Airplane!] –Airplane!

    Nope! Mandy from corporate’s go-to joke is shouting, “These pretzels are making me thirsty!” from Seinfeld every single time she eats pretzels. Or potato chips. The correct answer, by the way, was O’Doyle.

    Sorry, but that’s incorrect. Kyle Masterson is famous for habitually shouting, “You’re my boy, Blue!” from Old School. The correct answer was O’Doyle.

    Wrong! Elana’s best known for trying to pass off a slew of Mitch Hedberg one-liners as her own. It’s all right though, because she delivers the jokes so well that they’re basically funnier when she tells them, so in a way, she deserves credit for writing them. The correct answer, by the way, was O’Doyle.

    Correct! When it comes to Airplane! quotes, O’Doyle is the king. From “I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley” to “Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?” O’Doyle is a veritable Airplane! virtuoso, and he provides the office with a constant stream of quotes for every possible occasion.

  • Results for Can You Match These Famous Comedy Quotes To The Coworkers Quoting Them?

    Total Embarrassment

    Ouch! You couldn’t match comedy quotes to the hilarious coworker quoting them! You’ve really got to spend more time with your coworkers. What if you wanted to hear somebody sing just the chorus of “America, Fuck Yeah!” during a conversation about American foreign policy? Where would you turn? You don’t know, do you? Pathetic.
  • Results for Can You Match These Famous Comedy Quotes To The Coworkers Quoting Them?

    Coworker Quotation Novice

    You’re a coworker quotation novice! You have only a basic familiarity with who quotes what in your office. That’s a real shame, because if you wanted to hear somebody say, “I love lamp!” over and over again, or hang out with someone who likes to say, “I just blue myself” all the time, you wouldn’t know which one of your hilarious coworkers to talk to. Better study up!
  • Results for Can You Match These Famous Comedy Quotes To The Coworkers Quoting Them?

    Coworker Quotation Apprentice

    Nice! You’re pretty good at identifying which people in your office are quoting which comedies. You have the privilege of working with comedy luminaries like Phil Cutler and Linda Jennings, who know that the secret to laughter is to find a funny thing that everyone loves and then say that thing over and over again so everyone can relive how funny it was. Awesome!
  • Results for Can You Match These Famous Comedy Quotes To The Coworkers Quoting Them?

    Coworker Quotation Expert

    Fantastic! You’re a real pro when it comes to matching comedy quotes to the coworker quoting them. You know who in the office to go to for quotes from classic Python and where to go for more contemporary jokes from Will Ferrell and the gang! You also know that when it comes to quoting Airplane!, O’Doyle rocks! Nice job!
  • Results for Can You Match These Famous Comedy Quotes To The Coworkers Quoting Them?

    Coworker Quotation Master

    Amazing! You were able to match every comedy quote to the coworker quoting it! You obviously take full advantage of all the comedic talent in your office by listening to your hilarious coworkers recite all of your favorite comedy quotes over and over again. When you feel like hearing Borat say, “My wife!” you know that you don’t have to go watch the entire movie just to hear that amazing joke—you can just walk into the HR department to hear all of them quote that joke multiple times. You’re lucky to work with such talented people!

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