1. 1. The moment you open the door, the Jehovah’s Witness will be sporting an ear-to-ear grin, and he’ll definitely ask you if you’ve “heard the good news,” which is a pretty standard opening for these guys. Which of these ways would you turn the tables and start whetting his appetite for the awesome HBO porn you and your buds are watching inside?
  2. 2. The Jehovah’s Witness trying to recruit you is going to lean heavily on the Bible, referencing it pretty often in an attempt to get you on board. Which of these ways would you counter his source material with your own source material?
  3. 3. At one point or another, the Jehovah’s Witness is going to describe the miracles that become possible once you give your life completely over to God, which usually makes for one of his more compelling pitches. Which of these ways would you counter his strategy by making HBO porn with your pals sound even more amazing?
  4. 4. The Jehovah’s Witness is sure to describe the church community as a vibrant social club, too, making the experience sound like a great way to not only get closer to God, but also to meet new people. Which of these ways would you make your porno hang session sound hands-down better?
  5. 5. Just a heads-up, it’s not a given that the Jehovah’s Witness will know what porn is, considering his disciplined upbringing. So just to cover your bases and give him a taste of what’s in store, how would you describe porn to him?
  6. 6. No matter how you went on that last one, it’s still possible that the Jehovah’s Witness won’t quite get it because the terminology isn’t in his wheelhouse. With his religious background in mind, how would you explain watching HBO porn with you and your crew in a way he’d understand?
  7. 7. The Jehovah’s Witness is going to try to use scare tactics at some point by saying that if you don’t join the church, you’ll be damned to an eternity in Hell, which is a classic and effective technique. Which of these things would you say to make missing out on watching HBO porn with the crew sound even worse than Hell?
  8. 8. Lastly, in one final effort to convert you to his religion, the Jehovah’s Witness will probably say something about how the church is a place where people are trying to make the world a better place and live in service of the Lord, which is a tough argument to top. So, what is your closing pitch about watching HBO porno with your buds that will convince this guy to come inside to watch some softcore with your crew?
  • Results for Can You Turn The Tables And Recruit The Jehovah’s Witness At Your Door To Come Inside And Watch HBO Porn With Some Pals?

    Yes! You Have Successfully Turned The Tables And Convinced The Jehovah’s Witness To Come Inside And Watch HBO Porn With Some Buds!

    Nice job! Your performance on this quiz indicates that you'd be able to get this guy to lighten up a little bit, leave his Bible on the ground in the mudroom, and come on into the living room for a nice afternoon of watching HBO pornography with you and your buds. All of your friends are going to be pretty happy to see a new face, and the Jehovah’s Witness will probably have a great time too, totally unafraid to ask questions while trying to get caught up on the plot and fearlessly going in on the tomato pie slices on the coffee table. There’s no doubt about it: You’ve got some sharp missionary instincts and an undeniable ability to convert people to the path of softcore cable erotica. Congratulations!
  • Results for Can You Turn The Tables And Recruit The Jehovah’s Witness At Your Door To Come Inside And Watch HBO Porn With Some Pals?

    You Were Unable To Convert The Jehovah’s Witness To Come Inside To Watch HBO Porn With Your Pals Because He Converted You To Be A Jehovah’s Witness First.

    Unfortunately, it looks like you'd never really even come close to recruiting the Jehovah's Witness for your porn-watching session, and instead you'd be so swayed by his conversion tactics that you would become a devout member of the church yourself. Hopefully you'll enjoy being a Jehovah’s Witness. Good luck!
  • Results for Can You Turn The Tables And Recruit The Jehovah’s Witness At Your Door To Come Inside And Watch HBO Porn With Some Pals?

    You Weren’t Even Close To Convincing The Jehovah’s Witness To Come Inside And Watch HBO Porn With Your Friends.

    Yikes! According to this quiz, you would end up being kind of an aggressive dick the whole time the Jehovah's Witness was trying to talk to you, and you wouldn't even come close to getting him to watch porn with you and your friends. You'd just be way too eager to get back inside and kick it with your crew while the HBO softcore blared, and you wouldn't make the Jehovah’s Witness the priority at all. He'd probably feel uncomfortable with you the whole time, and honestly he'd probably be pretty happy that you’re not joining his church, too. Don't sweat it though. Sometimes two people just don’t gel. No harm, no foul.

I am 18 or over and willing to view sexually explicit material