1. 1. Hmm, you are definitely missing something big here. Can you think of any important family gatherings that are happening soon?
  2. 2. Did one of your sisters send you an email chain titled “hair stuff?” that you should have looked at?
  3. 3. Did your sisters mention anything about getting haircuts on your family group chat?
  4. 4. Your cousin Isabel is pregnant. Did you forget that you were supposed to get a haircut for the baby shower?
  5. 5. Tessa has full-on bangs now.
  6. 6. Does your family normally make a big deal about hair at family events?
  7. 7. Mom’s been wearing a sparkly barrette a lot lately. Does that have something to do with the haircuts?
  8. 8. Wait, forget the barrette for a second and look again: Did Mom get a haircut too?!?
  9. 9. It looks like your sisters got manicures and pedicures, too. Do you know why?
  10. 10. Is it possible that all your sisters got haircuts at the same time by coincidence?
  • Results for Can You Figure Out What Important Event You’ve Forgotten That Made All Your Sisters Get Haircuts?

    You Figured It Out! Seems Like Your Sisters Are Getting All Dolled Up For Labor Day.

    While it's unclear why your sisters would feel the need to get haircuts for Labor Day—To honor laborers? To make Dad feel special while he grills hot dogs?—it looks as if your sisters did indeed coordinate together to get haircuts for Labor Day. You missed the memo initially, but luckily you've still got a little bit of time to rectify the situation. Better hit the salon!
  • Results for Can You Figure Out What Important Event You’ve Forgotten That Made All Your Sisters Get Haircuts?

    Fuck. You Still Have No Idea What Upcoming Event Made Your Sisters Go Get Haircuts.

    Jesus, how are you drawing such a blank on this? You're usually on top of this shit. Maybe you should go get a haircut just to be safe. You don't want to accidentally hurt anyone's feelings or anything.

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