Results for Do You Deserve Hair?
You Deserve Hair
YOU are the fabulously wonderful, rare kind of person who DESERVES hair! Whether or not you have hair, the important thing is that you SHOULD have hair and you MUST have hair and you WILL have hair if you do not CURRENTLY have hair because you DESERVE hair. Have faith and the flower of hair will crawl out of your brain soon enough. And when that happens, you can stand tall and proud knowing that you are deserving of hair. Nice! -
Results for Do You Deserve Hair?
You Don’t Deserve Hair
You wretch. You delinquent. You do not deserve hair. Hair is a beautiful flower that explodes out of your brain, and then many years later you die of a different thing like choking or murder. It is a GIFT. And an HONOR. If you have hair you should fucking give it to someone who actually deserves it, because you sure as hell don’t. How DARE you even THINK that you deserve hair. Please do not ever come back to this quiz again.