Results for How Good Was Your Childhood Driveway?
Your Childhood Driveway Was An Insult To Driveways In General, And Good Driveways Specifically!
Have you no shame? Your piece-of-shit childhood garage was never once featured on the cover of a calendar called "Twelve Driveways." It's incredible your parents didn't park their car on you. -
Results for How Good Was Your Childhood Driveway?
Your Childhood Driveway Was Distinctly Average!
So maybe your childhood driveway was never once featured on the cover of a calendar called "Twelve Driveways," but at least it groaned "thank you" whenever you drew on it with chalk. Your childhood driveway was A-okay. Not great, but nothing to whip a handful of gravel at, either. -
Results for How Good Was Your Childhood Driveway?
Your Childhood Driveway Was The Throne Of The Gods!
The driveway at your childhood home might as well have climbed at a gentle grade to Mount Olympus itself. From being featured on the cover of a calendar called "Twelve Driveways" every year to groaning "thank you" whenever you drew on it with chalk, your childhood driveway was the best thing you'll ever have.