Results for Do You Have What It Takes To Be Yoda’s Live-In Caretaker?
Walt Disney Studios You Have What It Takes To Be Yoda’s Live-In Caretaker.
Wow, sounds like this is the perfect gig for you! Looking after Yoda is a very demanding job, but your thoughtfulness and patience would be the perfect counterbalance to his unpleasant lifestyle and turbulent behavior. The Force is definitely on your side! -
Results for Do You Have What It Takes To Be Yoda’s Live-In Caretaker?
Walt Disney Studios You’re Probably Not The Right Person To Be Yoda’s Live-In Caretaker.
Don’t take it personally. Yoda is a sad and troubled old monster who has chosen to spend his final years making life extremely difficult for those who try and help him. It takes a truly extraordinary person to look after him, and there aren’t many people who’d be able to put up with his bullshit without losing their minds. So, really, don’t feel bad. You’re honestly dodging a bullet here. -
Results for Do You Have What It Takes To Be Yoda’s Live-In Caretaker?
Walt Disney Studios Yoda Would Probably Die In Your Care.
Jesus, dude. You seem like a real piece of work. If you did even half the stuff to Yoda that you said you would do, the poor old goblin would be dead within an hour of your first day on the job. Seriously, what’s with you and elder abuse? You need to get your shit together.