1. 1. Okay, go get two pressed pennies from the aquarium. I’ll need you to come by at 5:30 with them and say you forgot to give them back to me and Bruno Mars. And since I’ll probably see Bruno again soon, I should go ahead and keep his for now. Got it? I don’t know if this will sell the whole story to Lindsay, but it will definitely help.

    Lindsay won’t believe this Bruno story if it’s just coming from me. Not for a second. That’s why I need you.

  2. 2. Lindsay’s interest will be piqued by the souvenir pennies, and she will ask me to elaborate. I will say that Bruno Mars needed to get away from touring for a bit so he called me up to see if we could hang out. I told Bruno that I didn’t have time today because I had to clean up the apartment before my ex dropped my daughter off, but Bruno Mars just kept going on and on about how miserable he was until I said yes. Think you can remember that?
  3. 3. I’m going to say we saw every single part of that aquarium. My favorite part was the seals (she loves seals), your favorite part was the jellyfish, and Bruno’s favorite part was initially the sharks, but I told him some cool facts about seals, and he changed his mind to seals too. Okay, repeat it back to me.

    If she doesn’t buy this story, she’ll think I’m an even bigger loser for lying, so I really need your help.

  4. 4. Can you casually add a detail that doesn’t contradict what I’ve established already? Really want to make this Bruno Mars story zip.
  5. 5. Okay, so here’s the official story: In the deep-sea exhibit, Bruno Mars really opened up about why he hates touring. As he gazed at an octopus, he broke down about how he might never sing another song in his life because he’s afraid he’ll forget all his lyrics. But I showed him a picture of my daughter, who is his biggest fan, and he said he’d give it another shot for her. What will you say you were doing during this time?

    I know this is a lot to remember. The more complex the story, the harder it will be to refute.

  6. 6. Okay, last part, and please keep in mind my relationship with my daughter hangs in the balance here: On our way out, we passed by an unattended PA system, and I told Bruno Mars to give singing another chance right then and there. He was too embarrassed, so I started singing “Uptown Funk” and pretty soon a crowd gathered. He eventually joined in, and by the end the whole aquarium was dancing and singing with us. Anything you’d like to add to really make this story pop my for little girl?
  • Results for Can You Help Corroborate This Story That I Went To The Aquarium With Bruno Mars So My Daughter Will Respect Me?

    You Can Corroborate My Bruno Mars Story!

    Wow, seems like you got a pretty good handle on this story. With your help, my daughter Lindsay will definitely believe that Bruno Mars is an old friend I went to the aquarium with and not somebody I had never heard of until I read her diary and Googled his name this morning. I will finally have Lindsay’s respect!
  • Results for Can You Help Corroborate This Story That I Went To The Aquarium With Bruno Mars So My Daughter Will Respect Me?

    Better Let Me Do Most Of The Talking.

    Hmm, I’m not sure about you. Sounds like we might need to go over this a few more times before I’m comfortable letting you do anything more than nod. It’s not hard. Just back up each lie I say about me and Bruno Mars going to the aquarium that I tell my daughter Lindsay until I have her respect.
  • Results for Can You Help Corroborate This Story That I Went To The Aquarium With Bruno Mars So My Daughter Will Respect Me?

    You Cannot Corroborate My Bruno Mars Story.

    Did you hear anything I said? My daughter has to believe that I went to the aquarium with Bruno Mars if I’m ever going to get her respect. That will never happen if you don’t start backing up my Bruno Mars lie to her. Take this quiz again with the knowledge that my Lindsay's love and admiration depend on you.

I am 18 or over and willing to view sexually explicit material