Results for How Many Of These Patriotic Songs Have You Heard?
Your Ears Bleed Red, White, And Blue!
Wow! You've really heard a lot of patriotic songs about the United States of America. You're a great listener when it comes to songs honoring the Land of 1,000 States, the infamous U.S. of A. If you wanted, you could leave it all behind and travel the nation as a bard, trading your melodic tales of pride and glory for food, shelter, and bountiful riches. You have it made! -
Results for How Many Of These Patriotic Songs Have You Heard?
You've Heard Some Patriotic Songs.
Okay, it seems like you've heard a few patriotic songs. You're not the king of knowing tunes of American tribute, but if Thomas Jefferson had lived a lot longer, he would have been proud to see that even such a casual bard as you still knows a fair number of tunes honoring his very favorite country. Nice! -
Results for How Many Of These Patriotic Songs Have You Heard?
You Haven't Heard Very Many Patriotic Songs!
What a towering disappointment your performance on this quiz has turned out to be! You've barely spent any time in your life listening reverently to music praising our nation, and yet you had the audacity to remove your hat and take this quiz? Were you expecting some sort of perverse admiration for your aloof ignorance of these hallowed tunes, the lifeblood of the American experiment? Well, you won't get it here. Close your browser now and restart your computer at once!