1. 1. Which of these character types best describes you?
  2. 2. Consider the following scenario: You’re about to head to bed after some late-night television when you hear a loud bang come from your basement. What do you do?
  3. 3. Your best friend was bitten by a zombie but hasn’t turned yet.What’s your next move?
  4. 4. You’ve been stuck in a haunted asylum for hours when suddenly a previously locked door opens down the hall leading to the basement level. What do you do?
  5. 5. You spot a jazz trio at a bus stop sharing a cold corn on the cob. What do you do?
  • Results for How Long Would You Last In A Horror Movie?

    You Would Survive A Horror Movie!

    Awesome! You would survive the whole movie! You’re the kind of person people look to in tense moments where their head is being lopped off by a maniac with a chainsaw. Perhaps one day, but that day is not in a horror movie. Tread where you please. You are a survivor!
  • Results for How Long Would You Last In A Horror Movie?

    You Would Survive For A While In A Horror Movie

    Not bad! You would survive for a while in a horror movie. You can out-hustle a specter for a while but inevitably there will be a moment when you both agree that it is time to die. Take this quiz and try again with a greater attachment to life.
  • Results for How Long Would You Last In A Horror Movie?

    You Would Not Survive Long In A Horror Movie

    Uh-oh! You would not survive long in a horror movie. You are a grave waiting to happen. Maybe stay in the sun for a while until you've got a few more horror movies under your belt.

I am 18 or over and willing to view sexually explicit material