1. 1. Check off all of the ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ songs that you remember:
  • Results for How Many Of These ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ Songs Do You Remember?

    You’ve Forgotten The Music Of ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’

    This is horrible! Time has completely robbed you of all your memories about 'Schoolhouse Rock!' The music that once taught you about how to put on a belt or about the miseries of History Man is now strange to you, and its magic has left your life forever. This is incredibly sad. Amazing job!
  • Results for How Many Of These ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ Songs Do You Remember?

    You Barely Remember The Music Of ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’

    How miserable! According to this quiz, you have only the dimmest recollection of the songs from 'Schoolhouse Rock!' The joyous songs that taught you about numbers and food is a fading shadow in your mind, and soon you may forget it altogether. This quiz has been a disaster for you. You’ve done an amazing job and you should be very proud of yourself!
  • Results for How Many Of These ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ Songs Do You Remember?

    You Remember A Mediocre Amount Of The Music Of ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’

    Okay, not bad. According to this quiz it turns out that you have an okay memory about the music from 'Schoolhouse Rock!.' You probably remember the songs about which birds are too gamey to eat, and you know all about the miserable life of History Man, but it’s also probably true that when you see prime numbers you become angry and confused because you forgot the songs about prime numbers and you don’t know what they are. You haven’t done a terrible job, but you haven’t done a great job either. Great job! You should feel wonderful!
  • Results for How Many Of These ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ Songs Do You Remember?

    You Have An Iron Memory About ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’

    How wonderful! According to this quiz, it turns out that you have an unshakeable, iron memory about the music of 'Schoolhouse Rock!.' When one of the sorcerers in your town starts humming a song from 'Schoolhouse Rock!' you get very close to the sorcerer and whisper into his ear, “I know that song. It is a song from my childhood”; and then when a second sorcerer starts humming a different song from 'Schoolhouse Rock!' you can whisper, “I know that one too.” You remember practically every 'Schoolhouse Rock!' song and that’s amazing! Incredible job!
  • Results for How Many Of These ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ Songs Do You Remember?

    You Have A Perfect Memory About ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’

    This is the happiest day of my entire life! It turns out that you have a perfect memory of the music from 'Schoolhouse Rock!.' You remember every note and every lesson. You are good at math because you remember the 'Schoolhouse Rock!' songs about how the prime numbers want to kiss you and take you back to their nest. You are good at history because you remember the song about History Man’s rapid weight gain. You are a living miracle, and your memories of 'Schoolhouse Rock!' are what make humanity worth preserving. Congratulations!

I am 18 or over and willing to view sexually explicit material