1. 1. Check off all the Philip K. Dick novels that you’ve read:
  • Results for How Many Of These Philip K. Dick Novels Have You Read?

    You’re A Dick Disdainer!

    It looks like you haven’t read a word of Philip K. Dick! You couldn’t know less about how our reality actually exists only in the mind of a young girl trapped in perpetual cryogenesis to halt the spread of her genetically engineered cancer! You have just no idea that that’s what reality actually is! Get out there and read more, for Phil’s sake!
  • Results for How Many Of These Philip K. Dick Novels Have You Read?

    You’re A Bit Of A Phil-O-Phile!

    Hey, all right! You’ve read your fair share of Phil Dick! You’re probably plenty familiar with concepts like the Twin Planes of Electrific Dissonance, the Klein-Byrne device, and meta-anamnetic counter-remembrance, and if you found out that you were just a shell persona engineered by chess-playing androids from outside of linear time, you wouldn’t be all that surprised. That is a good and healthy way for your brain to be!
  • Results for How Many Of These Philip K. Dick Novels Have You Read?

    You’re A True Philip K. Addickt!

    Lord alive, but when it comes to Philip K. Dick, you’re unstoppable! From the beginningless daymares of Runcifer Cale to the unforgettable twist of Blind, Underwater! (it’s apples), you’ve experienced just about everything his tortured mind had to offer! And now he’s dead, and each re-read milks a little less magic out of his words, and bit by bit, the spark behind them will fade and flicker out, until you’re left in a colder, darker world, a prisoner of an empty future! Wow!

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