1. 1. Which of the following best describes your personality?
  2. 2. Which of these acts of heroism have you done for a horse?
  3. 3. Complete the following sentence: A horse would go to my funeral and ________.
  4. 4. How much money do you have?
  5. 5. Have you ever done anything that would lead a jockey to slander your name to the horse community?
  6. 6. Horse response exercise: In lieu of a real horse, please imagine a horse in your head. Now, say hello to it. How does the horse that lives inside your head respond to your hello?
  7. 7. Are you Claude Scott Bertram, infamous assassin of Secretariat?
  • Results for Would A Horse Think Highly Of You?

    A Horse Would Not Think Highly Of You

    Wow, a horse would not think highly of you at all! That’s not good. If you can’t even get a horse to think highly of you, how do you think you’ll ever find something like a spouse or a home? This should have been easy, but for some reason, it wasn’t for you. If you think something went wrong (and for your sake, we hope it did), take this quiz again.
  • Results for Would A Horse Think Highly Of You?

    A Horse Would Think Highly Of You

    Awesome! A horse would think highly of you! If you stood at the end of the Kentucky Derby, the horse would race to you and win. You’d make that damn horse famous solely due to how highly it thinks of you. Isn’t that incredible? It is. It is incredible. Way to go.
  • Results for Would A Horse Think Highly Of You?

    A Horse Would Occasionally Think Highly Of You

    Not bad! A horse would occasionally think highly of you, and in today’s day and age, maybe that’s all you can hope for. We humans sure have done a lot of terrible stuff to horses over the years, and for one to think that a human isn’t so bad is pretty good. Remember how we used to hold the Kentucky Derby every year? That was terrible. How could we have done that? But we did. We don’t anymore, but our reputation with horses is still fraught. However, you fought those odds, and now there’s a horse that will sometimes think of you in decent terms. Way to go!

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