1. 1. Check off all of the Nicholas Sparks novels you’ve read:
  • Results for How Many Of These Nicholas Sparks Books Have You Read?

    You have read all the Nicholas Sparks books!

    Wow! You’ve read every single book that Nicholas Sparks ever wrote. This would be a stunning result for anyone else, but we should have expected it from you, one of the biggest Nicholas Sparks fans who has ever been around. Incredible. You are a fantastic person.
  • Results for How Many Of These Nicholas Sparks Books Have You Read?

    You have read a good amount of Nicholas Sparks books!

    Nice job! You’ve read most of the Nicholas Sparks books, which is great and worthy of celebration, but what about the Nicholas Sparks books that you haven’t read? Did you think about those books? Well, think about them, then read some of them, and then come back and take this quiz again.
  • Results for How Many Of These Nicholas Sparks Books Have You Read?

    You haven’t read a lot of Nicholas Sparks books

    Despite your best efforts, it looks like you still have a lot of Nicholas Sparks books left to read. Here’s our advice: Buy some Nicholas Sparks books, read them, and then come back here once you’ve read more Nicholas Sparks books than the shameful number you just entered right now. You’re better than what you’ve shown so far.

I am 18 or over and willing to view sexually explicit material