1. 1. “Yeah, I’m ________ Brooklyn / Now I’m down in Tribeca / Right next to De Niro / But I’ll be ________ forever.”

    Incorrect! The opening lyrics of the song immediately let the listener know who Jay Z is—someone who loves his home city so much that he whirls his arms around at the very mention of its name, and who is always wondering if his city is where famed Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter lives.

    Incorrect! The opening lyrics of the song immediately let the listener know who Jay Z is—someone who loves his home city so much that he whirls his arms around at the very mention of its name, and who is always wondering if his city is where famed Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter lives.

    Incorrect! The opening lyrics of the song immediately let the listener know who Jay Z is—someone who loves his home city so much that he whirls his arms around at the very mention of its name, and who is always wondering if his city is where famed Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter lives.

    Correct! The opening lyrics of the song immediately let the listener know who Jay Z is—someone who loves his home city so much that he whirls his arms around at the very mention of its name, and who is always wondering if his city is where famed Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter lives.

  2. 2. “Cruising down 8th Street, off-white ________ / Driving so slow but ________.”

    You got it! This is where we first hear Jay Z rap about something he loves to do: lead funeral processions through Manhattan on his off-white ATV.

    Nope! This is actually where we first hear Jay Z rap about something he loves to do: lead funeral processions through Manhattan on his off-white ATV.

    Nope! This is actually where we first hear Jay Z rap about something he loves to do: lead funeral processions through Manhattan on his off-white ATV.

    Nope! This is actually where we first hear Jay Z rap about something he loves to do: lead funeral processions through Manhattan on his off-white ATV.

  3. 3. “Say what up to Ty Ty, still sipping mai tais / Sitting courtside, ________ give me high-fives.”

    Wrong! This is the part of the song where Jay Z reveals that when he sits courtside at a basketball game, he uses that time to imagine what it would be like if a criminal gave him a high-five.

    Correct! This is the part of the song where Jay Z reveals that when he sits courtside at a basketball game, he uses that time to imagine what it would be like if a criminal gave him a high-five.

    Wrong! This is the part of the song where Jay Z reveals that when he sits courtside at a basketball game, he uses that time to imagine what it would be like if a criminal gave him a high-five.

    Wrong! This is the part of the song where Jay Z reveals that when he sits courtside at a basketball game, he uses that time to imagine what it would be like if a criminal gave him a high-five.

  4. 4. “New York / Concrete jungle where ________ / There’s nothing you can’t do.”

    Incorrect! Here, Alicia Keys begins one of the most iconic choruses of the 21st century with the unforgettable line “Concrete jungle where Empire State Of Mind.”

    Incorrect! Here, Alicia Keys begins one of the most iconic choruses of the 21st century with the unforgettable line “Concrete jungle where Empire State Of Mind.”

    Incorrect! Here, Alicia Keys begins one of the most iconic choruses of the 21st century with the unforgettable line “Concrete jungle where Empire State Of Mind.”

    You got it! Here, Alicia Keys begins one of the most iconic choruses of the 21st century with the unforgettable line “Concrete jungle where Empire State Of Mind.”

  5. 5. “Let’s hear it for ________!”

    Incorrect! This is the line where Alicia Keys wants to hear it for Big Ray.

    You got it! This is the line where Alicia Keys wants to hear it for Big Ray.

    Incorrect! This is the line where Alicia Keys wants to hear it for Big Ray.

    Incorrect! This is the line where Alicia Keys wants to hear it for Big Ray.

  6. 6. “Catch me ________ at a Yankee game.”

    Incorrect! Here, Jay Z raps about how we can see him at Yankees games screaming at future Hall of Famer Derek Jeter for his address.

    Correct! Here, Jay Z raps about how we can see him at Yankees games screaming at future Hall of Famer Derek Jeter for his address.

    Incorrect! Here, Jay Z raps about how we can see him at Yankees games screaming at future Hall of Famer Derek Jeter for his address.

    Incorrect! Here, Jay Z raps about how we can see him at Yankees games screaming at future Hall of Famer Derek Jeter for his address.

  7. 7. “You should know I bleed ________ / But I ain’t ________ though”

    Correct! This is the classic line where Jay Z reveals that he’s always bleeding, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to end up like a dead person he straps to the back of his ATV when he’s leading funeral processions.

    Incorrect! This is the classic line where Jay Z reveals that he’s always bleeding, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to end up like a dead person he straps to the back of his ATV when he’s leading funeral processions.

    Nope! This is the classic line where Jay Z reveals that he’s always bleeding, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to end up like a dead person he straps to the back of his ATV when he’s leading funeral processions.

    Nope! This is the classic line where Jay Z reveals that he’s always bleeding, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to end up like a dead person he straps to the back of his ATV when he’s leading funeral processions.

  8. 8. “Labor Day Parade, rest in peace ________.”

    Wrong! Rather than picking and choosing, Jay Z decides to memorialize all the victims from all the Labor Day Parades in New York City history. Classy.

    Wrong! Rather than picking and choosing, Jay Z decides to memorialize all the victims from all the Labor Day Parades in New York City history. Classy.

    Wrong! Rather than picking and choosing, Jay Z decides to memorialize all the victims from all the Labor Day Parades in New York City history. Classy.

    Yep! Rather than picking and choosing, Jay Z decides to memorialize all the victims from all the Labor Day Parades in New York City history. Classy.

  9. 9. “________ will make you feel brand new / ________ will inspire you.”

    Incorrect! This is the part of the chorus where listeners are reminded that a young wife will make them feel brand new, but it is an old wife who will inspire them.

    Correct! This is the part of the chorus where listeners are reminded that a young wife will make them feel brand new, but it is an old wife who will inspire them.

    Incorrect! This is the part of the chorus where listeners are reminded that a young wife will make them feel brand new, but it is an old wife who will inspire them.

    Incorrect! This is the part of the chorus where listeners are reminded that a young wife will make them feel brand new, but it is an old wife who will inspire them.

  10. 10. “Put your lighters in the ________ / Everybody say: ________!”

    Wrong! This is where Alicia Keys brings it all home by singing about how lighters aren’t allowed in the graveyard and commending Jay Z for doing a good job leading funeral processions on his ATV.

    Wrong! This is where Alicia Keys brings it all home by singing about how lighters aren’t allowed in the graveyard and commending Jay Z for doing a good job leading funeral processions on his ATV.

    Wrong! This is where Alicia Keys brings it all home by singing about how lighters aren’t allowed in the graveyard and commending Jay-Z for doing a good job leading funeral processions on his ATV.

    Nailed it! This is where Alicia Keys brings it all home by singing about how lighters aren’t allowed in the graveyard and commending Jay-Z for doing a good job leading funeral processions on his ATV.

  • Results for How Well Do You Know The Lyrics To ‘Empire State Of Mind’?

    You Know Everything About “Empire State Of Mind”

    Whoa! You definitely know “Empire State Of Mind,” and that’s incredible. Whenever you hear this song come on at a party or at a wholesale retailer, you grin with the confidence of someone who knows something, and when people ask you, “Hey, by any chance, would you happen to know everything about the 2009 song ‘Empire State Of Mind’?” you have complete confidence in saying, “It honestly seems that way.” Nice!
  • Results for How Well Do You Know The Lyrics To ‘Empire State Of Mind’?

    You Know A Fair Amount About “Empire State Of Mind”

    Okay! So, it honestly seems as if you know a fair amount about “Empire State Of Mind,” and that isn’t so bad. You wouldn’t be able to know a lot about “Empire State Of Mind” as a party trick, but you wouldn’t be removed from a party either. You’d probably just end up enjoying some chips, talking to people, and hearing music, and then you’d go home and take a quick bath before going to bed. That’s perfectly fine. However, if you do think you could perform the party trick mentioned earlier, please take this quiz again.
  • Results for How Well Do You Know The Lyrics To ‘Empire State Of Mind’?

    You Know Nothing About “Empire State Of Mind”

    Oh no! The fact of the matter is that you know almost none of “Empire State Of Mind,” and that is truly horrific. How you have managed to go so far in your life without knowing anything about “Empire State Of Mind” is an honest-to-God mystery, and one day you’ll be dead in the ground. Just think about that.

I am 18 or over and willing to view sexually explicit material