1. 1. Look at this corn. You must.
  2. 2. Here is corn wearing its green coat. Please. Look now.
  3. 3. Here is 100 corns. You will look.
  4. 4. Please. It is the purple corn. Surely you must look.
  5. 5. Come close for a whisper: Corn. Please look upon it.
  6. 6. You should look at corn.
  7. 7. Look. It is the grandfather corn, old and wise.
  • Results for Please. Look At This Corn. Please.

    You have seen corn.

    Do not tell anyone about the corn. Please. Do not share these results. The corn, it is not to be seen. Your family cannot know. Please. It was a grave error to show you corn.
  • Results for Please. Look At This Corn. Please.

    Look. Corn.

    Please. You must look. You must. The corn, it is here. Look. It has crawled from the ground to become food. The corn is essential for you to see.
  • Results for Please. Look At This Corn. Please.

    Please. Look at more corn.

    The corn you have seen? It is not enough. There is more corn to look at. Come see. Come. Touch it with your eyes. Corn.
  • Results for Please. Look At This Corn. Please.

    Here is the terrible secret: There is no corn.

    How did this happen? We have all been betrayed. Corn.

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