1. 1. Check off all of the perks your office offers:
  • Results for How Many Of These Fun Perks Does Your Office Have?

    Via Thebillfold.com

    You Work In A Hellhole

    Ouch! Looks like you work in a hellish office filled with just about no perks. Your office looks nothing like one of the cool offices presented in fables. Your manager has constantly refused to fill your work life with toys and games, and chooses to make you do work for hours and then forces you to go home. Your life is pitiful, and we hope you die soon.
  • Results for How Many Of These Fun Perks Does Your Office Have?

    You Have A Few Office Perks

    Not bad! Your office has a decent amount of office perks. You don’t work in the hellholes of some offices, but you also lack the toys and games that other offices have. Quit your job and seek out a fabled cool office.
  • Results for How Many Of These Fun Perks Does Your Office Have?

    You Work In A Cool Office

    Amazing! You work in a fabled cool office. Your office has many perks, and is filled with toys and games as far as the eye can see. When you tell your friends about your job, they say, “Wow, I would kill someone to leave my hellhole of an office and work in your fabled cool office.” Then they do that. Nice!

I am 18 or over and willing to view sexually explicit material