1. 1. What is your main reason for going to the gym?
  2. 2. What do you do after a long session at the gym?
  3. 3. How often do you go to the gym?
  4. 4. How many reps could you do with this bad boy?
  5. 5. What is your relationship with your personal trainer like?
  6. 6. Do you prefer cardio or strength training?
  7. 7. When it’s time for the gym to close, you:
  8. 8. In the event of a fire at the gym, you:
  9. 9. How do you explain your gym to people who have never been there?
  • Results for Are You A Gym Rat?

    You Are History’s Great Exerter

    “Gym rat” is an egregious insult to you, given how much time you spend at the gym. Even if you take an eternal shower, you still glisten brighter than a hundred suns from all the sweat throwing itself out of your body. You and The Burn are closer than good college roommates.
  • Results for Are You A Gym Rat?

    You Are The Norman Mailer Of The Gym

    Like his effortlessness on the page, going to the gym is a breeze for you because you go so often. Mailer had his pen, and you have your weights, which you write beautiful sweat stories with. Your The Naked And The Dead is the time you did 100 push-ups in a row, then did a bunch of squats. You are a preeminent 20th-century talent and shall be remembered for many years.
  • Results for Are You A Gym Rat?

    You Are A Mortal Gym User And Thus Shall Feel Shame

    You go to the gym many times a week, but knowing that you could be feeling The Burn more brings shame to you and your ancestors. If sweat is not pouring from your mouth, you are not the person you could be.
  • Results for Are You A Gym Rat?

    You Are An Enemy Of The Gym

    By not attending the gym every waking second, you have become a scorned and bitter opponent of the gym. You seem to be content with leaving sweat inside your body instead of vacuuming it out with sterile exercise. Shame on you.

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