1. 1. When people travel by sea, do they just run around on top of the water?
  2. 2. Where are you most likely to find a boat?
  3. 3. When you hear the word “boat,” what image comes to mind?
  4. 4. Is this a boat?
  5. 5. What color are boats?
  6. 6. Would you consider yourself a boat?
  7. 7. A car is to land as a boat is to _______.
  8. 8. Are there currently boats?
  • Results for Do You Know What Boats Are?

    You definitely know what boats are.

    When you see a watercraft floating atop a lake or ocean, you know right away that you’re looking at a boat. You know exactly what boats are used for, and you have no problem distinguishing boats from other waterborne objects. Way to go! You’ve got all the boat knowledge you need to stay afloat.
  • Results for Do You Know What Boats Are?

    You kind of know what boats are.

    It’s hard for you to describe boats in words, but you get the basic gist of them. You’re confident you could fake your way through a conversation about boats, and if you were ever to encounter boats in real life, you’d probably be able to say, “Yep, that’s boats.” Brush up on the basics and you’ll be a boat expert in no time!
  • Results for Do You Know What Boats Are?

    You have no idea what boats are.

    Sorry, but you’re not fooling anyone. It’s pretty obvious that you don’t know a single thing about boats. But don’t feel bad—this quiz isn’t for everyone. Maybe you can go look up boats on Google or ask one of your friends or family members about boats, and come take this quiz again once you’ve done a little research.

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