Results for How Many Of These War Movies Have You Seen?
Via United Artists Awesome
Wow! You’re a big-time war movie buff! You’ve seen just about every war movie, from “Brother, My Brother” to “Brotherhood” to “Brother.” Incredible. -
Results for How Many Of These War Movies Have You Seen?
Via Columbia Pictures Not Bad
You’ve seen a handful of war movies, but not nearly all of them. Sure, you’ve watched the most famous war movies, like “Battalion Of Brothers,” but have you seen lesser-known war flicks like “The Boogie-Woogie Bazooka Brothers”? We doubt it! -
Results for How Many Of These War Movies Have You Seen?
Via Columbia Pictures Meh
You’ve barely seen any war movies. You haven’t seen classic war movies like “There A Silent Brother Lies,” nor newer war movies like “Big Bowl Of Brothers.” Try watching some and take this quiz again!