1. 1. What’s your perfect Friday night?
  2. 2. Describe your room:
  3. 3. Your ideal romantic partner is...
  4. 4. When you’re working in a group...
  5. 5. Complete the phrase: “_____ in my pants.”
  6. 6. When you see an ant on the street, you...
  7. 7. Pick an animal:
  • Results for Are You A Dog Person Or An Ant Person?

    You’re A Dog Person!

    You’re everyone’s friend, the life of the party. You have fun constantly, but you’re responsible too. Sure, some might prefer the company of an independent, itinerant ant, but you? You can’t help it. You just love dogs.
  • Results for Are You A Dog Person Or An Ant Person?

    You’re An Ant Person!

    Let them have their dogs. You’re definitely more of an ant person. You love the ants, and you crave more ants. When you’re asleep in your bed, ants move in your pillow, and when you wake up, the ants are pouring out of your eyes. You think: Hey, if dog people and ant people don’t exactly get along, so what? You’d prefer to curl up among the ants, thanks very much.

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