What is wrong with you?

Hello, you sick person. Welcome to the Symptom Checker, the best and last online destination for your bad body!

Having symptoms is rough stuff, but that’s just how it goes! Whether they’re dogging only you or even your entire family, the symptoms are for everyone and can definitely be fatal. So, read hard and heavy in this web system, because your whole life whirlpools around this one very special DIY internet moment!

My man and lady, are you ready to start the disaster?

Establish your age

Okay! Let’s kick it off with a super-normal Q and see what we’re working with here.

Tell me your age right now. What is your age?


Blackjack it is! Smooth news!

Not to jump the jockey here, but I suspect that you have basically zero health horrors to worry about today! If you are currently blackjack, then you are probably fine. So, maybe just forget the symptoms and go have a crazy time, because all the newest scientists say that blackjack in age equals symptoms in check.

Yes, you can just about book it—this nice, empty diagnosis is true in practically 99 percent of cases of blackjack. Congratulations, almost! I just need to run one final test to make sure you are fine.

My man and lady, please think of a card and keep it in mind.

Take your time

No problem. This is fine for your health. It would be dangerous to rush things, especially now as your whole life spins around making the proper DIY diagnosis of symptoms. Take as long as you need with this.

Time passes, and silent we stand.

Okay, have you thought of a card yet?

Was this your card?

Oh, no...

That was actually your card? Uh-oh, this is not smooth news at all. My man and lady, I have to confirm: Are you positive that the diamond ace was the card you were thinking of, and that you are not lying about this?

Blackjack indeed!

Smooth news: Your age is true blackjack, which means your medical situation is a triumph, which means you are definitely fine, my man and lady! Blackjack is the mint condition, the only one anyone knows about that fully kings your body and then bulldozes every last symptom into Hell. The new scientists know of nothing better. Excellent job on being this way!

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Treatment options for blackjack

No treatment necessary! You’re safely the blackjack kid, quick and light and powerful in a personal way. So go have a crazy time. Enjoy it, because even though blackjack is infinite, not all things about you are. Death may snatch your head in a week or two, and that, friend, is a solid-gold medical guarantee. All the newest scientists say so. Trust it!

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Talk me through your body

That’s rough stuff about missing out on blackjack, but chin up. Now more than ever, it’s time to keep on with this fine diagnosis. Talk me through your body by comparing yourself to one of these:

Body type A overview

Ah. The left body is similar to yours, is it? You place me in a very difficult position.

You see, my man and lady, based on your horrifying response, I am afraid we can safely peg you as the owner of the loathsome flesh vehicle known as body type A.

To be perfectly clear, this is not okay. You should not have body type A, the worst type of body by far. Still, I am trying—really, really trying—not to sour on you for being this way. I do need to say, though, just to clear the air: Fuck you.

Had to get that out. We forge ahead.

Below are some of the symptoms that “people” with body type A are prone to experiencing. Take your pick from this murderer’s row of health horrors:

Body type B: Flayed skin

Congratulations! Based on the symptoms you have specified, it seems as though you are experiencing body type B, which is a wonderful and extremely important medical situation commonly known as completely flayed skin.

Completely flayed skin is characterized by the total loss of all skin, frequent blood loss, intense pleasure, extreme social embarrassment, fatigue, anxiety, and rapid death. If you are experiencing flayed skin (and, my fortunate man and lady, it seems that you most definitely are) it is recommended that you contact your doctor immediately to tell him and her the smooth news.

Congratulations on your successful diagnosis.

Body type C overview

My man and lady, you have indicated that the right-most body is similar to yours. Very smooth news: This corresponds perfectly to body type C, a wonderful personal human vehicle for which a whole trove of solid-gold medical situations are possible.

Take a moment to feel proud of yourself for having this body. Then let’s swing on back to the now and get on with the diagnosis.

People with body type C have such amazing bodies that they tend to suffer almost exclusively from psycho troubles (issues of the head). Do you think this is true for you?

Tell me about your limb-related issues

Smooth news: You are getting close to a beautiful diagnosis regarding limbs.

My man and lady, you will kindly help me narrow things down even more. Would you say your limbal issues are mostly related to limb contents or limb arrangement?

Tell me about your road tragedies

Smooth news: You are getting close to a beautiful diagnosis regarding road tragedies. I approach this exciting moment in your life with glee.

To continue isolating your health horror, please view the following image:

Now, tell me true: What is your reaction to this thing?

Adult’s disease

Congratulations! Based on the symptoms you have specified, it seems you are deep in the throes of Adult’s disease.

Adult’s disease is the health horror in which the cells responsible for making you afraid and respectful of ambulances malfunction. Due to this, instead of pulling over to the side of the road to let ambulances pass, sufferers of Adult’s disease get out of their cars upon hearing a siren and walk directly to the middle of the road, where they are struck by every single ambulance that passes by. In extreme cases, this syndrome can be fatal.

My man and lady, thank you for reaching a successful diagnosis. You have Adult’s disease.

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Tell me about your sex events

Smooth news: You are getting close to a beautiful diagnosis regarding sex events. You probably think it all the time. But you’ve got to tell it now: How constantly are you getting some of the all-naked sex?

Hadgeforth’s doppelgänger

Oh, no. Based on the symptoms you have input to me, you are likely suffering from the nightmare effects of Hadgeforth’s doppelgänger (commonly known as Hadgeforth’s little twin).

Discovered by new scientist Michael Hadgeforth, HD is a disastrous condition in which a miniature version of Hadgeforth himself appears ready-made in the palm of your hand. Though he is smaller, the doppelgänger weighs exactly the same amount as the full Hadgeforth, putting immense strain on the patient’s hand.

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Treatment options for Hadgeforth’s doppelgänger

Hadgeforth’s doppelgänger can be treated by drowning the small Hadgeforth in liquid. This should be done immediately, as untreated cases of Hadgeforth’s doppelgänger are liable to metastasize into a related complication called Hadgeforth’s Hadgeforth.

Hadgeforth’s Hadgeforth

Hadgeforth’s Hadgeforth is an advanced form of Hadgeforth’s doppelgänger in which a second, even smaller Hadgeforth appears in the palm of the doppelgänger. The smallest Hadgeforth weighs as much as the first Hadgeforth.

Treatment options for Hadgeforth’s Hadgeforth

There are no known treatments for Hadgeforth’s Hadgeforth. Once the contagion is contracted, progression to The Nested Hadgeforths is inevitable.

The Nested Hadgeforths

Scientists no longer distinguish between stages of the disease following Hadgeforth’s Hadgeforth. They are all called The Nested Hadgeforths, and The Nested Hadgeforths are forever. There is no end to Hadgeforth. There can be no treatment. It is useless. It is over. Hadgeforth is infinite. Hadgeforth prevails.


Do you have orbgut?

Nice! I’m having a very interesting time listening to you elaborate on your sex event symptoms. Quick and important Q now: Do you have orbgut in the manner shown below?

Probably just pregnant

Smooth news! Looking at the overall profile of symptoms you just got real with me about, it seems probable that you are merely pregnant regarding a forthcoming child. Nothing more than this, my man and lady. Thank you for achieving this diagnosis and for being online. Now, you deserve to go out and have a crazy time.

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Treatment options for probably just pregnant

Smooth news: Being pregnant typically resolves itself within 10 to 12 months of diagnosis. Congratulations on this nice diagnosis!

Bruised knee

Given the wide-ranging and confusing nature of the symptoms you say you are experiencing, it seems increasingly likely that you are suffering a severe case of the disease known as bruised knee.

This unwelcome affliction is believed to be a knee-related condition that affects about three in 100 Americans. Bruised knee is not contagious among humans. However, it is possible to contract bruised knee by smashing your knee at high speed into the door of a car.

Treatment options for bruised knee

Bruised knee is a vicious condition that instantly impacts the lives of anyone diagnosed with it, as well as those of their families and friends. If you have bruised knee, I suggest you consider attending one of the following weekly groups:

  • “Americans Living With Bruised Knee Support Group”
  • “Bruised Knee And Me: A Weekly Story Of Triumph”
  • “The Bruised Knee Brigade”

My man and lady, I confess to you: I have had bruised knee for nearly six years. It has been a very difficult part of my life, and there were times when I didn’t think I could go on. But these supportive groups have helped me more than I can say. Perhaps they can help you too. Thank you, and congratulations on your diagnosis.

Jonathan Symptrome

Whoa, and I regret to say, oh no! If you are not lying about your health horrors, then you are likely experiencing Jonathan Symptrome (pictured here).

Jonathan Symptrome operates via a madhouse chemical process called mimesis in which normal objects (e.g., shoes and children) continue on the surface to appear like the familiar things you know. However, your personal brain becomes aware that they are in fact Jonathan Symptrome, the conscious man-disease who thrills at the kill.

You know that this is not smooth news. Your mind is being dogged by Jonathan Symptrome. According to the newest scientists, the experience of Jonathan Symptrome is both unlikely and very bad for you.

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Treatment options for Jonathan Symptrome

Okay, if you’re really hurting for something useless to know about Jonathan Symptrome, here’s the tale: In his early age, Jonathan was an idealistic new scientist who swore to avenge himself against whatever epidemic was killing everyone born before 1850.

But growth and tragedy corrupted his bad body, and today he is one of the diseases, a villain moving in silence trying to ambush every soul. Fair warning, my man and lady! If the symptoms you’ve said are true, it may not be long before every last object you see is hallucinatorically substituted for Jonathan Symptrome. And this, this can be the roughest stuff of all. Good luck in life, and congratulations once again on your successful diagnosis.

Are you at risk?

My man and lady, that is a very important response. I have several Qs to determine whether you are at risk. First, did your mother’s father or mother’s mother ever suffer from counterclockwise limbs?

Are you at risk?

Okay. Now, did your father’s father or father’s mother suffer from counterclockwise limbs?

Are you at risk?

Next Q: When you look at photos of your family reunion, do you sometimes notice that every single person seems to be suffering from the disorder called counterclockwise limbs?

Are you at risk?

Very interesting. Last Q: Do you sometimes feel anxious?

Counterclockwise limbs disorder

My man and lady, that clinches it. Based on the family history and symptoms you have lifted, I feel confident in concluding that you are suffering from counterclockwise limbs disorder, or counterclockwise limbs and head disorder.

CLD is a substitution disorder in which the hands, feet, and head are all shifted one position counterclockwise around the body. The right hand thus protrudes from the neck, the head protrudes from the left hand, the left hand from the left leg, the left foot from the right leg, and the right foot from the right hand. The condition is benign.

This condition is known to afflict more than 50 million Americans, though all of the newest scientists suspect that the majority of cases of counterclockwise limbs disorder remain undiagnosed.

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Treatment options for counterclockwise limbs disorder

The medically recommended treatment for counterclockwise limbs disorder is to be drawn and quartered by the four current governors of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado.

Good luck with this, and congratulations on an accurate and satisfying diagnosis!

Big problem

Well, based on the medical profile you just went on about, it seems that you are experiencing symptoms consistent with a big problem. This is a condition affecting 1 to 2 percent of Americans, and is characterized mainly by a big and important thing in your life going wrong forever.

Common brands of a big problem include a health problem, a brain problem, a huge problem, a deadly problem, a genital problem, a long problem, a sad or angry problem, and an unfortunate problem.

The epidemiology of a big problem is a focus of ongiong research. Contributing factors may include a little problem, a small problem, and a problem that is perfectly natural and normal until it isn’t.

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Treatment options for a big problem

There are currently no known treatments for a big problem, and there never will be. Thanks, and congratulations again on your diagnosis.

Might you have psycho troubles?

Hmm. My man and lady, I am afraid I have ushered you onto this page because I have reason to suspect you are suffering from one of the psycho troubles.

Certainly, this means you have some kind of mind horror. But we need to get more specific with it. What brand of psycho trouble do you find is dogging you?

Optical gauntlet

You have indicated that you are having trouble with the perception of things. To help me diagnose this issue further, please complete the following optical gauntlet.

Optical gauntlet

As the opening move of your optical gauntlet, kindly pronounce the first letter of the pre-calibrated medical chart above.

Optical gauntlet

Very good. Please proceed by pronouncing the chart’s second inscrutable glyph.

Optical gauntlet

Excellent work. As another visual exercise, would you please pronounce the remainder of the chart as one?

Optical gauntlet

You are closer and closer every moment to an excellent diagnosis. Next, please describe the contents of the following image. What is this thing?

Optical gauntlet

Thank you. Please describe the contents of this other image now. What is here?

Optical gauntlet

Thank you. Please describe the contents of this other image now. What is here?

One last medical question about the man you saw when you looked at that picture: Was it this man below? That is, was it the same nightmare man you can see wherever you look, the man who haunts your every waking moment and from whom you can never run?


I have some very rough stuff to report, my man and lady. The symptomatic profile you are producing reveals that you are certainly suffering from the malady known as Permanently Impaired Dog Numerosity Processing (PIDNP).

This is a grim medical situation in which your personal brain’s hot take on how many dogs there are becomes a muddleheaded mishmash. People suffering from PIDNP are especially prone to looking at a picture of a single dog and saying, “That is 1,000 dogs,” and are equally likely to read a story about a mailman getting attacked by one large dog, shake their husband or wife awake in the middle of the night, and say with confidence, “The mailman was maimed by a hundred thousand medium-sized dogs.”

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Treatment options for PIDNP

One popular and effective course of action regarding PIDNP is to talk to your congressman. Research suggests that the topic of conversation doesn’t matter. It can be anything from sports to disease to your personal disdain for the idea of being “politically correct.” All the newest scientists currently support the idea that simply talking to your congressman once a week activates a jackpot chemical pathway in your nervous system that dumps gallons and gallons of nutritious blood on your brain!

The great hope of modern medicine is that this blood dump will somehow prove useful in solving PIDNP, along with any other diseases. At the moment, however, there is no way to be sure if it helps at all.

Well, good luck with your problems, and thank you, in any case, for receiving this successful diagnosis!

Rocky times

Youch. Based on the nasty symptoms you’ve been into, it sounds as though you and your sweet body may be on the rocks. You display the hallmark signs of going through rocky times.

As for the biological causes of rocky times, they’re a matter of debate among all the newest scientists. According to Hadgeforth’s theory of rocky times, they are produced when your stomach develops a wish to eat your spine and, realizing that it will never come close to accomplishing this, becomes homicidal.

In any case, the rocky times are a tragic malady that affects exactly 200 Americans at any given moment. If you are experiencing some of those rocky times with your bod, you sure may be in for a spin.

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Treatment options for rocky times

No lies from me here: The rocky times are rough stuff for certain. They happen all over the place in America today, with no true escape. The fact is that every family is having them to some level or another, small to large and good and bad, all of this according to the latest scientists who get things right.

However, I will point you at a tiny shard of consolation. Remember how I said the rocky times dog exactly 200 Americans at once? Well, my fine man and lady, the smooth news is as follows: The fact that you’ve contracted these rocky times means that, somewhere out there, there is another American for whom the rocks are not so long and sharp anymore. Life is actually pretty great for them now. So, in some small medical way, it’s like you have made an amazing Christlike sacrifice. And that’s a guaranteed beautiful fact for you to tell people!

But yes, you do unfortunately have the rocky times, which is too bad. Have fun scraping yourself out of this disaster, and thank you for coming here and achieving such a successful diagnosis!

Facial muttering

Okay. Based on the symptoms you have described, it seems likely that you are experiencing facial muttering.

Facial muttering is characterized by the face opening up and releasing various noises forwards, resulting in the voluntary or involuntary muttering of remarks via the face. Depending on the brand of these remarks, several diagnoses of facial muttering are on the table for basket cases like you.

So, please tell me true, which of the following best describes the brand of remarks produced by your face?

Facial muttering (outdoor remarks)

The specific kind of facial muttering you are experiencing appears to be facial muttering of outdoor remarks.

People afflicted with this condition often experience repeated facial remarks such as “It’s in the forest now,” “Cows are all around,” and “Let’s go on a long hike.”

Suggested treatments for facial muttering of outdoor remarks include sitting down, looking at a television, and being silent.

Thank you for accomplishing such a successful diagnosis!

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Facial muttering (Ancient remarks)

The specific kind of facial muttering you are experiencing appears to be facial muttering of ancient remarks.

People afflicted with this condition often experience repeated facial remarks such as “Plato the current celebrity” and “I’m in ancient Athens for the long haul.”

Suggested treatments for facial muttering of ancient remarks include sitting down, spending time with modern talkers and thinkers, and being silent.

Thank you for accomplishing such a successful diagnosis!

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Facial muttering (funeral film remarks)

The specific kind of facial muttering you are experiencing appears to be facial muttering of funeral film remarks.

People afflicted with this condition often experience repeated facial remarks such as “The camera stops moving and the hearse drives away,” “There’s the tripod visible in the shot with the mourners,” “Cuts toward camera and you get a shot of the widow in the wide,” and “This last shot, 19F, will be the one where we see an X-ray of the earth showing the buried guy dancing inside the coffin.”

Suggested treatments for facial muttering of funeral film remarks include winning a 48-hour film competition, thinking about living people, and being silent.

Thank you for accomplishing such a successful diagnosis!

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Facial muttering (miscellaneous remarks)

The specific kind of facial muttering you are experiencing appears to be facial muttering of gibberish remarks.

People afflicted with this condition often experience tragic repeated facial remarks such as “lank,” “banana,” “Jeb,” and “warm.”

Suggested treatments for facial muttering of miscellaneous remarks include reading a thousand books and being silent.

Thank you for accomplishing such a successful diagnosis!

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Wordal condemnment

Rough stuff, my man and lady: Your brainary languageboard has been wordally condemned.

I’m bad sorry. You speech and reading have just...ashed. It’s true. I am not having trash with you. No more understanding following your permanent wordal condemnment. No grasp about anything. No more sense with the words now, now the meaning is fired now and now gone.

Regrettish bughorns redound it all, end of you as the finespeaker, such the saneless forevergone mambler you’re to take as you. Yes, as you! Hundred hundred Apollo G’s Fourier lifelong hardshits, you shame and fillsy finespeaker who are foul gridden of condemnment and then this new jammed-out clussfreak bestriddled with your prospracting hapless and alltime langual worvery. Tambrous daydisk malfarction, nonendful errorizing, yes you wordle such and such, and on and on, the imbraggished chustlebus.

Yes, you are a diagnosis.

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The Logan test

Thank you for proceeding this far in the diagnosis. You are so close to finding out about your secret health horror. To help with this, I will now apply a foolproof diagnostic tool called the Logan test. Do as I say. Consider your feelings regarding the following man, whose name is Logan:

Please DO NOT yet state your feelings regarding Logan.

The Logan test

My man and lady, I regret to inform you that you have roundly failed the Logan test. In such cases, it is likely that you are experiencing some big problem with your life that prevented you from behaving properly during the test about Logan, this man:

Do you agree that your misbehavior was due to a big problem in your life?

The Logan test

The next step in the Logan test is to please read the following autobiographical passage written by Logan.

“Look. There. There in the top drawer. At the top of that cabinet there is a drawer of sweets and I am thinking about the top drawer right now. I can see it. I wish I were in that top drawer where the sweet things are kept, but I am forbidden. The drawer is forbidden. I am Logan. Logan is forbidden regarding the drawer. I do not know which of me or the drawer is forbidden from the other of me and the drawer. I know the combination is not okay. Somehow the combination of Logan and the sweets drawer is not okay. I wish I knew why some things are not allowed and other things are allowed and other things are merely people. Good Lord. I am in trouble about wanting these sweets.”

The Logan test

Thank you for reading the passage. Now, please recall your initial feelings regarding Logan. If I forced you to, how would you say your feelings regarding Logan have changed throughout the Logan test?


“Amprission of meaning”? Is that what you meant to say?

I didn’t understand the phrase “amprission of meaning.” Please express yourself again more clearly, my man and lady.